Trinity Piano Initial Exam Pieces and Exercises 2018-2020
Trinity Piano Initial Exam Pieces and Exercises 2018-2020
For Instrument - Piano
Exam Board - Trinity 2018 to 2020 Grade Initial
Ability - Early Stages
Format - Sheet Music
Containing nine of the set pieces from the Trinity College London, Piano Grade Initial exam pieces, this book also includes exercises and teaching notes.
- Stick and Hat - Stahl
- Allegro (no. 4 from Short and Easy Pieces) - Reinagle
- Canon - Badings
- Spanish Guitar Player - Heumann
- Spies on a Mission - Harris
- Conversation - Béra-Tagrine
- The Waltz of the Toads - Strecke
- Tickery Tockery - Charlton
- Lullaby - Daxböck et al.
Additional Information
Series - Trinity College London Piano Exam 2018-2020
Trinity College London (TCL)
Year/s 2018, 2019, 2020
Grades Incl. - Grade Initial
Type - Exam Music, Exam Resources, Exam Pieces