LCM Musical Theatre Handbook 2023 Grade 3
LCM Musical Theatre Handbook 2023 Grade 3
Designed for those in the early intermediate stages of studying musical theatre, this is part of a progressive series of ten handbooks, primarily intended for candidates considering taking the London College of Music examinations in musical theatre.
This handbook covers all the material needed for the grade three exam: ten performance pieces (with practice notes & info about every piece) and details of the discussion component — in fact, absolutely everything you need for this grade!
1. I Wan’na Be Like You
2. Any Dream Will Do
3. Happiness [Clark Gesner]
4. If I Only Had A Brain
5. Let Me Entertain You
6. Proud of Your Boy
7. Put On A Happy Face
8. The Girl I Mean To Be
9. I See the Light
10. When I Grow Up [Tim Minchin]